The management style offered by SAFE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT is the result of diligent listening to different, but equally important, entities: customers, colleagues and the market.
With a careful assessment of the clients’ needs, focused investment strategies are determined, taking into consideration the investor’s objectives and the risk and reward profile.
The activity of listening continues with constant and constructive interaction between the research, risk and management teams, in order to identify the most suitable financial instruments to be adopted during the main investment processes: in the asset allocation planning, in its review and in the monitoring of activities and results.
This type of asset management is timely, dynamic and specialized, thanks to the complementary expertise provided by a skilled working group, able to meet the clients' most complex requirements.
The attention given to the client, whether institutional or private, is guaranteed by an agile structure that has grown over the years proportionally to the assets under management and to the number of clients, to ensure a personalized, tailor-made management service.
The guarantee of complete autonomy in the investment choices and of transparency regarding the simple and straightforward commission structure is given by the total independence of SAFE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, which has been authorised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and is under constant surveillance by the OSIF-Organisme de Surveillance des Instituts Financiers.
The private client, within certain guidelines, gives SAFE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT authorization in connection with his or her bank account for the purpose of capital management, which will be performed through the purchase and sale of securities and customized investment services.
Not relying on standard products, the customer portfolio is customized and defined based on a careful analysis of their needs and of their investment objectives.
The owner of the savings indicates the characteristics of the management of the capital: SAFE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT however will decide directly on how and when to invest or divest. The assets are invested in individual stocks, bonds, or in collective savings investment units (contractual or corporate funds), also taking into account the tax implications related to the residence and/or nationality of each client.
The private client concludes with SAFE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT a strategic consulting contract through a consulting power of attorney: the financial management remains in the hands of the client, who will periodically receive a full, researched analysis prospectus for their portfolio and for investment recommendations.
The portfolio will be constantly monitored, and the customer will be informed when new opportunities or risks are identified, but the investment decisions are always the responsibility of the latter.
Clients who decide to rely on the Wealth Management/Family Office solution offered by SAFE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT will not only receive the asset allocation service, but also the most comprehensive advice concerning company or family assets, with a global overview and the availability of multiple integrated solutions.
With a Multi-Family Office setup, services range from straightforward assistance in the finance and insurance sectors to activities related to generational asset transference or corporate asset planning; up to and including legal services, fiscal services, estate and corporate planning in connection with the comprehensive sum of corporate and personal assets.
SAFE CAPITALMANAGEMENTtakesits place transparently at the side of its clients, also relying on advice from highly specialized external professionals, with a highly evolved business model, fully in line with current regulations and laws, which have become increasingly complex and detailed over the years.
At SAFE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, changes are considered to be opportunities: the current historical period of radical transformation of the Swiss financial landscape offers many opportunities of which our private and institutional clients can take advantage thanks to the services and products we are offering.
SAFE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT S.A. - © All rights reserved 2012
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